Dear Nola,

Forgot how to breastfeed?  Sounds like engorgement/oversupply/overactive
MER turned baby off to breastfeeding. Try putting baby to breast after
expressing/pumping long enough to stop dripping/spraying.  Transitioning
through finger-feeding is a good idea.  Might also want to try nipple
shield as a transitioning aid if the finger isn't working.  One way or
the other, mom needs to see baby at breast as soon as possible.  Unless
they are really dedicated to the idea of breastfeeding, these moms with a
baby that has already done well with a bottle are often not willing to
wait for extended periods of time to get baby nursing.  They will say
that the baby is trying to show that he prefers the bottle and they are
comfortable with that.  Good luck.

Sharon Knorr, BSMT, LLLL, IBCLC
Lactation Consultant Services
Rochester, New York
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