With the frequent frustrations we deal with, it's fun to share something
positive.  While doing QA follow-up phone calls (always have to justify our
positions), one of my patients share with me that she had entered the local
WIC's contest for a breastfeeding essay.  She won the Grand Prize!!!  She
gave permission for me to post it here:

"It is worth breastfeeding my baby because:

When God blessed by husband and I with the life that I had the honor of
nourishing for 9 months, I made a solemn vow to give our new son all of the
best I could offer him.  It took 3 to make my baby, God, my husband and
myself; yet I knew, it was up to me alone to give him the optimum beginning
at life.  From the start of my pregnancy, I knew I would exclusively
breastfeed.  I read a great informative novel and attended lactation classes
and with my newly learned knowledge, I was convinced with giving Bobby, Jr.,
my son, “Liquid Gold.”  No matter how painful I got with engorgement or
soreness, I promised I would hang in there for my son’s benefit.  He’s not
able to make the right choices for himself, so I have to make superior
decisions for him.  Breastfeeding is just that and I plan on doing it for at
least 2 years.  And if he’s not ready to stop, then neither am I.  Bottom
line, from the moment I held my son (and he peed on me) there was an intense
bond.  Then when I nurse him, and he holds me and snuggles closer to me, I
wouldn’t trade those moments in for all the free formula in the world.  To
see him gaze and stare at me and give little smiles even with his mouth
definitely full, I know that it is the best thing ever.  After all, that’s
what they’re for.  I love giving him all the vitamins and immunities that
breastmilk ONLY provides.  And knowing that everyday with every feeding, he
receives the best food available, I, as his mother, feel I’ve accomplished
much more than filling up a tummy; I’ve given my son excellent nourishment.
Yet the best thing about breastfeeding is the closeness I alone experience
with my boy.  It hasn’t any price and there is no equal in the love that we

Written by:  JoAnn M. Toomey

DeDe Vance RN, BSN, CLC
from humid So. Calif.