I agree
"Advertising in the millions, if not hundreds of millions every year."
"Ross has just put out an ad for their "followup formula"
which has suggested that the formula is made for children 6 to 18 months."

Ross is starting this stuff too. Fortunately I havent had anyone
ask about the toddler formula BS. Actually I get many
more questions about how to change from formula to milk,
how much cow's milk to give, and how soon to start it.
Which leads to:

"just as they are now telling mothers "formula
to a year", which is completely unnecessary, and which
even many lactnetters
believe is necessary, so good is the marketing."
Are you refering to the AAP position that says this and that
many physicians such as myself follow. I cant quote them nor
say who funded them but I do remember two articles
showing increased GI blood loss and lower iron stores in
infants fed cow's milk before a year. Personally I feel if they
arent breastfed thenits a matter of the lesser of two evils.
Cows milk or the "F" word.

"An *almost*
unnecessary product which is used by almost all babies.
Doesn't this just
make you ill?"
Yes, it does. I counter the nausea by spending an extra
5-10 minutes with the breastfeeders if time allows.

"So vitamin D for
breastfed babies? "
Not for my pateints. No sence in feeding the fish after flushing
the tiolet. Yes I know its fat soluable, I mean extra vitamins
in general.

"The formula companies have played the "guilt" card so well
that even some
lactnetters balk at "pushing" breastfeeding for fear that
women will feel
guilty for not breastfeeding.  Please excuse me if I gag."
Is this how the guilt thing started? Not to sound like Oliver
Stone but Ive always wondered.<g>
(pediatricain Wilkes Barre PA)