Dear Jane,

This poor mom!  What I think this family needs to concentrate on right
now is doing all these things that they have tried right now while they
are on the diflucan, which they probably should continue taking for at
least 3 weeks.  They need to go on the diet, take acidophilus, clean
everything scrupulously.  How about gentian violet on the nipples and the
baby's mouth, since the nystatin doesn't seem to be working? Or an oral
diflucan suspension? Have you tried any of the anti-fungal creams on the
nipples instead of nystatin? She could be having an allergic reaction to
the nystatin which is adding to the skin irritation.  If none of these
treatments bring any relief to the nipples, then I would start looking at
some other type of infection or a dermatitis.

Take another look at Pat Gima's and others'  yeast treatment plans.  The
main point is, the family needs to be treated together, systemically, for
at least several weeks with a careful follow-up the next several weeks to
prevent a reaccurance.  Many of these moms try a lot of things one at a
time, but never all at once, which is the only way that it will work if
the yeastie beasties have really gotten a foothold.

I would keep the formula away from the nipples, for now, it is just
another confounding factor.  After all this treatment, cultures may or
may not show anything.  Good luck.  This mom sounds like she is at the
end of her rope, and for good reason.  An all out effort may seem like a
lot at this point, but if it gets rid of the yeast for good, then it will
be worth it.

Sharon Knorr, BSMT, LLLL, IBCLC
Lactation Consultant Services
Rochester, New York
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