Dear Colleagues,
     This is a reponse to Cheryl L. Tompkins's posting on rheumatoid
arthritis (RA).  It is good to see that breastfeeding her baby has
helped keep this Mum from overdosing on painkillers.  RA is a very
discouraging condition, and there appear to be more questions than
answers about its causes and what helps sufferers.
   It would be good to get a response on breastfeeding implications from
Tom Hale and others on the following over-the-counter dietary supplement
(not a drug) which has brought a *marked* improvement to my own
mobility.  It is Cosamin DS (DS = "Double strength"), and is available
in the U.S. and Australia.  The main ingredients are glycosamine and
chondroitin, with a touch of ascorbic acid to improve uptake.  (I'm
writing this without the label imformation in front of me.)  A Brisbane
(Queensland) hospital is currently running a trial of this product.
   If anyone wants to contact me personally, I'd be happy to give more
details.  (No, I am not involved in any way in marketing this product.)
   Cheers,   Virginia
             Virginia Thorley
             IBCLC in private practice, Brisbane, Queensland
             Author and speaker

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