Well, my son is a hyper little bundle of energy, and is forever
bumping into things and getting cuts and scrapes and so on.  He
had to get his head sewn up this past winter for jumping on the
couch and into the desk beside it (poor kid landed head down in
the trash can between the couch and desk) just a couple of days
ago split his lip open because he was goofing off and fell
against a chair.  Some days I marvel that he is still alive!  The
kid seems bent on tearing himself limb from limb.  Although, he
has had fewer serious injuries than my sister did by this age
(she did a nice tib/fib fx slipping on a coloring book at age 3)
or his father (he cracked his head open 2 times by this age and
nearly castrated himself on a swingset).
So, is my breastfed son doing better than the other members of
the family that were formula fed?  yes!  Is he still injuring
himself on a daily basis and making me think of getting him some
kind of padding for every part of his body?  yup.