Cindy, I think you assessment was correct, infant was starving. I think the
infrequent BMs from the beginning shows that something has not been right
from the start.  Perhaps with increased intake via SNS, baby will be
somewhat more content and mom can use pump at other times.  On trick is to
have baby nurse on one side and use electric pump  on other.  It takes an
extra pair of hands tho, especially if she is already trying to keep SNS in
too.  I may be wrong, but I don't think colicky is the correct term.
Hungry is the one that comes to mind.  I would cut out ALL dairy for 2
weeks and if no change add it back.  To add back - Start with yogurt and
cheese 1st and fluid milk  last.
I would get the tincture that Pat Gima has mentioned and really use it big
I use the 2 1/2 x baby's wt equals # of oz per day divided by 8 equals
approx amt for one feeding.  The metric version is in the archives.  Good
luck, Pat in SNJ