I think we need to go back to what caused birth activism in the late 60s
and early 70s.  (Keep in mind that I was born in 1967 so I'm having to rely
upon the memories of those wise women before me as I was at my mother's
breast being nurtured at the time : )

Consumer Activism

I think we see more of this today but we have a long way to go baby.  Those
of you who live in the Southern United States where I grew up can probably
attest to many practitioners promoting the "Don't worry honey, we'll take
care of everything for you"  type of attitude.  It exists to some extent
here in the Midwest but not like I have seen in  Georgia, Louisiana and

I agree with Lisa that education of the consumer is the key to success.
They need to understand, for example, why labor epidurals are not a panacea
as so many women (and their care providers) believe.  They need to know
what is wrong with the delivery room routines in our hospitals and that
they don't have to put up with it.  Write a birth plan, discuss it with
your doctor or midwife-early!  If he or she doesn't support it, find
someone else!  If more women would do this, I think some HCPs would see the
errors in their ways.

When it comes to promoting and supporting breastfeeding, I agree with
Kathleen A. that we need to tell our clients who are very pleased with our
care to write a short note to our hospital CEO.  In these days of
downsizing and budget cuts, I think even the hospital CEO would like to
hear something positive every now and then!  Take it one step further-they
need to let the community know also.  Writing a letter to the editor of the
newspaper is a good place to start.  On the other side, if they are unhappy
with the breastfeeding practice at a hospital, they also need to let
someone know.  We've already read stories on this list about how just one
letter from a ticked off mom got the free formula garbage out of the

Maurenne Griese, RNC, BSN, CCE, CBE
Birth and Breastfeeding Resources  http://www.childbirth.org/bbfr
Manhattan, KS  USA
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