To follow on the immunization post, a recent article in Archives
of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine looked at the incidence
of Heamophilus influenza B (HiB) in febrile (39C or 102.2 or
higher) children 3 to 36 months old who were well appearing.
This bacteria was the number two cause of sepsis and
menigitis prior to a vaccine for infants beginning in 1990.
Of the 9000+ children who had blood cultures NONE had
BTW 1990 was my third year off med school and Ive never
seen HiB disease even though I trained in a tertiary care
If any of you are discussion immunizations as per Katte's idea
feel free to include me.
That wasnt BF related was it? Oh well while the cats
(net mom's) are away the mice will play. I guess there is a
chance they'll see this so I better say, feeding methiod was
not mentioned in the study.
-Rob Cordes, DO (pediatrician) aka Rob