Question: a Mom of a NICU baby (Mom has Hep C) told not to bf. Then Mom
develops (day 3) a plugged duct. OB tells Mom: use warm compresses and pump
the breast with the plugged duct. I only have experience treating plugged
ducts in breastfeeding women. Would you pump a woman who is not
breastfeeding? Would one 'good pumping' be likely to dislodge plug and
therefore be worth risking, considering Mom will now make more milk which
may worsen the plug if it was not shifted?
Obviously it was also v. tough to tell whether this was really a plug or
simply engorgement but mom had specific severe pain in one spot ( 7 oclock)
on one breast and a lump...
Considering OB had already written order I adapted it (with her blessing)
to pump every six hours only if absolutely necessary, use massage as well
as warm packs. The RN thought we should use ice which is what our hospital
uses for engorgement in non bf mothers.
Any comments?
I am also unsure on the hep C but am sure this is in the archives so better
go look...
Anne Merewood