Deb writes, ".. 6 day old ABM/bottle fed baby. Mom decided
yesterday that she wanted to bf - stated she had not put baby to breast ..
I'm reviewing in my mind my nipple confusion/nipple preference speech that I
will probably have to use. First try, baby latches and breastfeeds like a
pro with a good pattern and swallows and proceeds to do 20 minutes plus on
each breast..Go figure."

Deb, you just described exactly why I have a problem with the Dx of "nipple
confusion".  The first time this happened to me was when I saw a two week
old exclusively bottle-fed baby (EBM in the bottle) who had never ever been
to the breast.  Baby latched first time and breastfed like a dream, never
looked back.
Ok, so I know nipple confusion exists, and that bottles are more likely to
cause it in *some* babies, but this is not an all-or-nothing thing and I
think blaming the bottle per se is just too easy, and stops us looking
further.  The bottle can sometimes be a *consequence* of difficulty latching
to the breast - to blame the bottle or pacifier is to miss the point IMHO.
Thanks for sharing your observation.

Pamela Morrison IBCLC, Zimbabwe