Dear Lactnet Users, I found an intersting article that I am typing word for
word  for all of you to read.
        Nursing Teenage Moms Have Special Dietary Needs

        Teenage Mothers who are nursing may need special nutritional guidelines,
according to preliminary research results published in the Journal of
Adolescent Health. ( See Journal of Adolescent Health, 1998;20:442.) In a
comparison of breast milk between 11 teen and 11 adult moms, the breast
milk had similar nutrients, but the teens produced 37%-54% less milk. Over
the long term, that would result in the teens not meeting their babies'
nutritional needs.
        The average age of the teen moms in the study was 16. Researchers suspect
that their lower production mya be due to the fact that they have not yet
completed their own growth. Since a teen mother has additional nutrient
demands, her body may "choose" to favor her and reduce milk production.

        To the thesis, the body composition. diet and milk production were
measured in 24 teeenage mothers, 12 of whom breasr fed. Eleven other teens
who had never been pregnant were studied for comparison. Preliminary
findings suggest that nursing teens continue to add muscle mass, indicating
continuing growth.

        Teens who breast fed  appeared to consume 23% more calories and vitamin
B6, and 40% more protein. Their dietary intake rreturned to regular levels
after they stopped breastfeeding.

        Does anybody have any comments or know of any other studies done on this