I've just been asked by an ob/gyn how to make a definitive diagnosis of
ductal yeast in a breastfeeding woman 3 wks. post partum who is experiencing
shooting pains in her breast.  What a pleasure to find an ob so open to
learning about treatment plans for yeast infection.  I shared some
information from Tom Hale's new book on Diflucan.  Though I've searched
Lactnet I haven't been able to locate any specific info on making a
definitive diagnosis.  Can anyone help?  TIA.
Joyce Blangiardo RN, BS, LCCE, FACCE, IBCLC,
who has just decided that 107 degrees of Scottsdale, AZ heat at the BSC
Conference was far cooler than today's 95 degree HUMID heat with ozone
warnings in NYC.....