>advertising images of breastfeeding
>(almost all put out by formula companies, surprise surprise) showing >almost
>inevitably a woman in a nightgown or robe (indicating early postpartum >removal
>from society at large--confinement) nursing a newborn.

Also indicating that it's the middle of the night, which ties into a
reason I think many women wean:  the mistaken belief that formula
will make their babies sleep through the night.  (This is also often
why babies are put on solids too soon).

This is all part of our parent-centred lifestyle, which says that the
mother's right to sleep for 8 hours straight, to leave her newborn
with grandma for the night, or her leave her 6 month old behind for a
week, etc. etc., outweighs the child's right to the type of nuturing
she needs.

Just my .25
Jennifer Landels, BA, CE
Vancouver BC