I envy all the people who have posted on the 'choices' they have in
lactation support and assistance in their areas.  Our small community has
never had a lactation consultant until 3 nurses at the local hospital sat
for the exam in 1997.  Our wonderful La Leche League leader is soon to
leave the area and I am feeling overwhelmed with wanting only to work
part-time and the need here being MORE than I can handle.  I would be
happy to have any breastfeeding 'professional, lay, MD, NP, CNM', etc.,
etc... walk in the door and take up the cause with us!  We truly utilize
everyone in our area through our BF council (WIC, LLL, nurses, etc) and I
know that one lonely IBCLC, LLLL, or RD could never do it all.  I just
wish it didn't feel like I was the only one at the hospital who wants to
see things change...

PS:  We are only 1-2 hours from Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, skiing, fly
fishing heaven, etc...  All interested parties welcome!

Beth McHugh BSN, IBCLC
Idaho Falls, ID
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