Had a few more thoughts for mom who needs gall bladder surgery.  She needs
to arrange for help with the toddler at home for at least a week or two.
Even tho surgery seems so easy-laproscope, tiny incisions, same day etc.-
mom won't be able to lift toddler for a while or drive car.  Needs TLC at
home that she, in days past, would have gotten from a hospital stay.  Since
she has a little time, she could do some batch cooking and freezing ahead.

I also get annoyed with people's reactions to  how a mom acts/feels after a
c-sec, like it's a cinch, just another way to  have a baby and what does
she mean, her belly hurts etc.  People's conciousness needs to be raised -
surgery is surgery - no matter where or how quickly it is done and it's an
insult to  your body and you need Help!  Sincerely, Pat in SNJ