A friend of mine had a baby with severe eczema (no blood in the stool,
though).  She dealt with it for a number of months with medication but
nothing seemed to work.  A number of people suggested she wean the baby
and try formula instead.  We both agreed that there may be something
else to try.  She completely cut out any processed foods in her diet--no
boxed stuff, no processed cheeses or meats, ate lots of fresh foods and
organic stuff if possible.  Her baby's eczema decreased dramatically!
She found that when she started him on solids at 6 months of age he
wasn't interested and if he did eat certain things he'd break out
again.  She held off on solids until he was almost a year and then he
had no trouble at all.  Now he has no food allergies at age two and no
problems at all with eczema.  It constantly amazes me to hear about the
many causes of problems like this in babies.  Maybe this could help this

Stephanie Barth
LLL Leader    Salem, Oregon