Just to let you all know there was an article in RN, May 1998, p. 53-58
entitled "Legal risks of alternative therapies" by Penny Brooke, RN, MSN,
JD, in the section of the journal called Legally Speaking. It offered CE
credit.  Mentions massage therapy, guided imagery, biofeedback. Doesn't
specifically state herbs or craniosacral, but this could be considered
alternative therapy too. Anything other than traditional medicine. Anyway
it is a good article, specifically geared to Rns, but the cautions re
practicing medicine without a license, documenting, informing primary hcp
of your discussion, etc. would pertain to others as well. They give a
website www.rnweb.com but I don't know if the article is there.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Violet Louisiana, USA
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