I was pleased to find out that there is a pharmacist out there willing
to compound oxytocin nasal spray.
I have had requests for it in the Washington, DC area, but have not been
able to get the product or information from the drug manufacturer to be
able to compound the nasal spray.
I recall with our first baby when my wife was not able to get a let-down
reflex.  We had tried everything, and nothing worked until my wife used
the oxytocin nasal spray.  The breastfeeding experience, and the three
after that, were real successes.
I think the pharmacist is trying to be helpful, and not out to just make
a buck.  Even at $50, he would have to sell a whole lot to become rich.
Yes, of course, check out his credentials, just as you would any
pharmacist or health care professional.  The new compounding law in the
USA now protects pharmacists who wish to compound in the manner this
pharmacist suggests.

Frank J. Nice, DPA, CPHP