Just a quick note. Please do not quote entire messages when sending notes to
Lactnet.  You can include just the part that you are referring to, for clarity.

Turn off html coding.

Search archives before you ask, as a cyber-favor to the others here who do
so, and who use the archives to gather what information has already been given.

Always check information in more than one place. Lactnet is a wonderful
source of information, but information given here is unverified, and purely
what each sender believes to be true.  Check for resources, etc...especially
for drug information. A word to the wise.

To use archives ( instructions) please send e-mail to
[log in to unmask] with message reading

Get Lactnet Welcome

or ask [log in to unmask]


Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC co-owner Lactnet,TLC, Indep. Consultant
mailto:[log in to unmask]
LACTNET Archives http://library.ummed.edu/lsv/archives/lactnet.html
 Emily's Mothering Project- http://together.net/~kbruce/proj.html
For LACTNET quilt raffle: http://together.net/~kbruce/kbblact.html