The following is a letter I sent today to Burlington Coat Factory customer
relations after a phone call I received from an upset mother.  She said to
me afterward that although she knew that she was doing the right thing by
nursing her babe that "he" made her feel dirty and question that.  Could you
guys also write a note and sent it to [log in to unmask] ?

Today I was contacted by several nursing mothers who were upset with your
store (4).  The store is located in Little Rock Arkansas.  A Mr. Jones was
the manager on duty.  They were shopping in the newly remodeled store for
infant items.  This particular store now seems to be catering to mothers
with infants as a large part of their merchandise is for infants and their
needs (The infant depot).  They also recently had a promotional event with a
local hospital promoting mothers and infants. The "situation unfolded as
follows:  The mothers were shopping and 2 of the infants became hungry.  The
mothers went to the restroom in attempt to find a place to nurse.  The
restrooms were dirty.  "I would not use the bathroom in there much less feed
my baby" stated one mother.  They then went in search of a dressing room.
The time is between 1and 2 in the afternoon.  The store had a few people in
it in addition to the 4 mothers.  One was a mother with a small girl.  The
mothers chose the little girls dressing rooms.  Two mothers went into one
dressing room and the third mother went into a second dressing room.  The
fourth mother continued to shop.  Several other dressing rooms in this area
remained empty.  While attempting to nurse one mother did change her infant
as well.  After approx. 5 min. a saleswoman came into the dressing area and
told them that they were not allowed to nurse in the dressing rooms and that
they would have to leave.  One mother asked if the sales woman could get the
manager.  The 3 mothers then got their clothing together and went outside of
the dressing area to await the manager.  The sales woman had not made an
effort to comply with the request an was reportedly rude.  She did finally
call and request his presence.  He appeared angry when he arrived according
to the mothers.  One mother asked him where they should feed their babies.
He stated "at home".  The mother then explained the above to him.  He then
went on to state: "my wife breastfed and we never ran into this problem."
The mother ask what did she do when out shopping?  He further stated "She
stayed home where she belonged.  This is not appropriate behavior."  The
mothers then realized that this conversation had come to an end and asked if
there was someone else they could speak with?.  He stated, "there are lots
of people you can talk to!"  The name Sue Collins was offered along with her
number.  The mothers were then told they could nurse their infants in the
car.  FYI it has been in the 90's in Little Rock all week.

There are several things about this that disturbs me.  They disturb me as a
woman and as a Lactation Consultant.  You have lost several customers over
this already.  You will lose more.  Please make this right!
Janet Bryant RN,IBCLC