I recently saw a 15 day ol baby (s/p vag delivery at
36wks, 5 days) who is 90% of birth weight
The baby had been admitted at 6 days old for
dehydration/ hyperbilli and was 87% of BW.
Soory, I dont have the chart for exact numbers but he
 gained in the hospital with IV fliuds and mom's milk
increased greatly with aid of a pump. After D/C he lost
alittle and now no weight change for four days.
Mom's hx is normal , baby latches and feeds with audable
He feeds for 30-35 minutes prefers mom's left. If Left is first
 side he stays there up to 25 minutes if R is first 15 minutes.
 He seems satisfied after feeds. At second hospital d/c mom would BF then syringe some pumped milk resulting in reflux
so extra feeds stopped. After feeds mom can pump up to 4
onces, she feels let down and breast changes pre/post feed and she drips on opposite side as baby feeds.
I now have mom doing single sided feeds, fed on right as
long as baby nutritively sucks then burp and relatch on right
 for 3 to 4 feeds then go to left side only for 3 to 4 feeds and
 pump unused side to relief. Goal of 10-12 feeds per 24 hrs.
New born screen including Neogen lab screen normal, I
checked electrolytes, Billi (10) and UA are normal.
BTW baby feeds about 8-10 times/24 hours. Mom feeds
 him "When he starts looking around and suckin or putting
hand in mouth."
We did test wieghts here on two differed days, scale accurate
 to 10 grams. Test one showed 60g gain after feeds test 2 a
30 gram gain. Stools are large yellow seedy 4-5 day. He had
small gren one in my exam room. Wetting 4-5 disposable
diapers a day, good and wet.
Baby and mom do back tomorrow and if no gain my plan
is to suppliment by using breast milk and adding the fat from
 one sample of milk to another to increase the calories in the
 milk and check baby's IGF-1, CBC, urine culture and consider
 repeat thyroid tests.
Any other ideas?
BTW the Neogen lab screen does include CF.