To: Jeanne Hagreen:
     Among all the other suggestions, think, too, of good old "dancer's
hand" technique, which has been round a long time.  With other tricks of
the trade, it may sometimes be what makes the last little bit of
difference.  I used this to encourage my baby to attach and stay on when
I relactated with her in early-1965 (yes, she's now 33).  Other times I
have used it include with a Mum and baby where the baby had lost his
breastfeeding skills through *faulty* cup-feeding.
  What is now called "dancer's hand" has been round for decades.  In my
current research for my thesis, I have a mother and some nurses who have
used what appears to be the same technique, then unnamed, as long ago as
the 1940s. This is in Queensland.
   Sometimes, having a lot of "tricks" to draw on will help find the
combination of techniques which work for that particular Mum.  I hope
you and your client have made progress.  Good luck!
            Virginia Thorley
            Lactation consultant, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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