Dear Colleagues,
    On the topic of herbal teas, especially combination ones, poorly or
misleadingly labelled ones, and those containing licorice, see the

ROSTI L, Nardini A, Bettinelli ME, et al. Toxic effects of a herbal tea
mixture in two newborns. Acta Paediatr 1994; 83:683. [a tea marketed as
a "mother's milk tea", a combination of 4 substances, including

TALALAJ C, Czechowicz AS. Cautions in the use of herbal remedies during
pregnancy and for smallo children (letter) Med J Aust 1990; 152:52.
[teas which are hepatotoxic, i.e. toxic to the liver, with tragic
results - and they are still available!]

THORLEY V, (Herbal Teas) (letter) Breastfeeding Rev 1996; 4(2):82.
[literature review, including licorice, and a deceptively labelled "no
caffeine" tea which turned out to be senna]

As I'm currently *NO MAIL*, except for the occasional day, any replies
to my email address:
 <[log in to unmask]>
            Best wishes.

Virginia Thorley, lactation consultant in private practice, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia, and breastfeeding counsellor/researcher since

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