Pamela asked about a baby with eczema and DPT
First of all babies can breastfeed and get eczema, it
does happen.
Removal of cow's milk protein from mom's diet might
help might not. Could consider a RAST test on baby to
help guide you. The answer to these question may depend
 on if you ask a dermatologist or an allergist.
As to the DPT question, come on this was weeks ago.
 How many weeks are these people going to go and link
 things to this vaccine?
To put it briefly, give me a break.
The same for the dont get the next shot because of
asthma. IMO anyone advising to with hold immunizations
 this way should 1 be able to sleep at night and 2 have
very good malpractice insurance.
Be care of what you get of the net, its often inaccurate.
 Every idiot and his brother is in the internet (wonder what
 my brother is doing right now?)
That turned into a non BF rant didnt it? Sorry
BTW BF babies have better responces to vaccines.
 There now its BF related.