Dear Ann Marie:

Just re-read your post on the insurance company not covering the pump.

Here are some ideas for you, if you are interested, to pursue with the
company -- could be used by friend, friend's Ped, etc.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that breastfeeding
services and supplies, including clinical lactation therapy and electric
breast pumps, be included in the health benefit plans offered by all
private and public insurers.

American Academy of Pediatrics, Work Group on Breastfeeding.
"Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk." Pediatrics

American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Child Health Financing.
"Scope of health care benefits for newborns, infants, children,
adolescents and young adults through age 21 years."  Policy statement
RE9730.  Pediatrics 1997;100(6).

The AMA also has a policy statement supporting breastpumps.

"245.980.  Payor Financial Support for Breast Pumps:  The AMA supports
the availability and appropriate use of breast pumps as a cost-effective
tool to promote breastfeeding."

It sounds like your friend may have insurance through employers? (her
own and her partner's?).  If so, she might want to discuss this with the
employer.  Businesses purchase the vast majority of health insurance
plans in the U.S., and buy plans which are economical but also have
provisions to meet the needs of their employees.  If this is the case,
the family might want to discuss this with the employer -- to get
coverage in plan next time around, as well as to implement a worksite
lactation support program.

The ILCA World Breastfeeding Week Action Kit has two camera-ready
pamphlets addressing breastfeeding support issues targeted towards
businesses and health insurers.  It is $10.00 from the ILCA Office (get
address from  Might be useful for this and other

Good Luck!

--Doraine Bailey

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