Someone on lactnet suggested that we try and get freebies for our moms.
One of the suggestions was contacting weleda for free samples. I did, and
they very nicely and promptly send me a box of samples, order forms,
I was surprised and upse t that the first ingredient in the baby diaper
cream was peanut oil. Knowing first hand how dangerous this allergy is, I
cannot in good conscience distribute the samples. I called the company
and they said that their product manager says that there is so little in
the product that it is untraceable.
They also said theyve been making this for 75 years in the same way.
Their newsletter recommends breastfeeding, but if you "can't" you should
give cows milk diluted with barley water. Babies can be breastfed without
supplements for 5 months, but formula fed babies should be supplemented
at 4 months. They don't understand why meats should be among the first
food offered.
Guess who's not using these products.

Pearl Shifer, IBCLC

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