Hi all,

Have a question from a mum about how long is previously refrigerated
milk good at room temperature. I know there has been much discussion of
breastmilk that has been partially consumed but this is different.
Here's the question:

>>I know that freshly expressed breastmilk stays "good" at room
temperature for about six hours.  I know that breastmilk stays "good" in
the refrigerator for 24 hours.  Here is my question, though:  If freshly
expressed breastmilk is put in the refrigerator in the early morning,
then taken out to be used in the evening, how long will it THEN stay
at room temperature?  Is it still six hours?  Or less?  I have received
conflicting advice about this, and now I'm confused.<<

I've already discussed the Breastfeeding Answer Book guidelines about
milk storage in the fridge but I can't find anything else.

Please cc me as well as the list.

Donna Hansen
Burnaby, British Columbia (where I finally get to hear Dr Jack on April