>  On the 'too old' or 'getting old' reason to wean, I've heard that one
>before, I had a mom who had nursed 4 children all past a year and she
>was told her mastitis was caused by 'her breasts wearing out from use!'

I was laughing about this thread today when I was stopped mid-laugh by a
mother of 41 yo that she was told to wean her wonderfully healthy,
gaining, 10wo baby because she complained of tiredness. She was
apparently told that "a woman her age" could "not breastfeed for long
without synthetic hormones" because "her hormones were wearing out"
(???). Baby is currently 4mo and still exclusively breastfed - yeah!
(you cannot believe how unusual that is around here).
Anna (Mummy to Emma, born 17th Jan 1995, Alice, born 11th Sept 1996,
??? due 18th April 1998)
Email: [log in to unmask]  Web Page: http://www.ratbag.demon.co.uk/anna