Any comments I can share w/ these people?

I just found out my 21 mo old has a mouth full of serious cavities.  My
>daughter had the same, but we found out when she was around 3.  Neither
>ever had bottles.   It seems that cavity proneness of Mom is the best
>predictor of this problem, and thus my dentist explained the newest
>theory is that the Mom gave a certain bacteria to the baby which in the
>baby becomes extremely aggressive.  At 8 mos. we had the baby checked to
>see if his teeth had the thick plaque that my daughter has that causes
>the aggressive situation.  He did not.  We thought therefore that he did
>not have what at that time we thought was simply genetic.  Alas, there
>is a "window of infectivity" and we should have been having checkups
>very often.  This baby has never slept thru the night.  In his 1st 24
>hrs of life, he nursed every 1 hr, and has been a frequent
>feeder/snacker, ever since.   Unfortunately, with this type of
>situation, our dentist explained that he needs infrequent feedings, so
>that the teeth are not continually bathed in food for the aggressive
>bacteria.  Thus sadly I am weaning him more than I would have.  He will
>get this work done with general anesthesia, and if he is not on way less
>frequent feedings by then, the whole situation could reoccur in only 1
>mo.!!!   The prevention will be thus less frequent feedings and teeth


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