>"Any tips for a 42 yr old mother still able to express drops of
>milk/greenish secretions from one breast 4 yrs after weaning?"
>Actually, I had never gotten the study ready to check with lactnetters
>who were still breastfeeding but close to weaning to see how long they
>could express milk.  I'll get on it.
>Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC
Jack Being extremely curious I did this as a study of one when I my youngest
child weaned 12 years ago. Every two or three months I expressed a tiny
amount(just drops). It was fascinating to watch the colour and the ease of
expressability change. I am still able to express a drop or two but usually
just before menstruation. Of greatest interest were 2 facts.  The ducts
changed independently of each other. IE some expressed white years after
some expressed green from the same breast.  The colour gradient was from
normal milk to milk mixed with green to green to now almost black from some
ducts. Some ducts expressed white for more than 10 years. Most ducts now
express nothing.
        Yes I have been checked and there is nothing wrong. I am now 42, at
the time my son stopped breastfeeding he was 4 years old and I had been
nursing or pregnant or both for 8 years and 3 children.
>"Without interest and passion, nothing great has ever happened in history.
GWF Hegel"           Rhoda Taylor, B.A., IBCLC, Duncan, B.C., Canada<