JHL reviewer-"twins" & CERPs                 3/7/98

Dear LactNetters,

Here is a call for a reviewer for the Journal of Human Lactation.

The book: Nursing Management of Multiple Birth Families: Preconception Through
Postpartum, by Joan Drukker Daughinee and Nancy Bowers
Publisher: March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, 1997, 100 pages
Current statistics
Physiology of Twinning
Prenatal care
Antepartum management and complications
Congenital anomalies
Management of Preterm Labor
Fetal Surveillance
Antenatal, intrapartum, and neonatal care (3 different chapters)
Preterm or emergency delivery
Psychosocial effects
Caring for multiple newborns (contains 5 pages on breastfeeding)

My challenge is to find a reviewer who has both nursing (the medical kind)
knowledge/experience as much of the book is truly nursing management, and
nursing (the breastfeeding kind) knowledge/experience of multiples of the same

The successful applicant will receive a free copy of the book to be reviewed,
and the book will be hers to keep after the review process is completed. She
will write a review no longer than 350 words following the Guidelines sent
with the book, and submit her review by April 20.

When responding, please indicate your experience in both kinds of nursing and
why you feel that you are the right person to write this review. I will also
need your home address and phone number.


A second book to be reviewed is:
The Support of Breastfeeding (Lactation specialist self-study series Module 1)
by Rebecca Black, Leasa Jarman and Jan Simpson
published by Jones & Bartlett, 1998, 206 pages
Developed in 3 major chapters:
Cultural support for and attitudes toward breastfeeding
advantages of breastfeeding and hazards of artificial feeding
Breastfeeding support policies and resources
Each chapter is divided into section. Each section has a list of objectives,
an outline, and a pre- and post-test of 20 questions each. A form is provided
at the end of the book to apply for continuing education credit/CERPs.

The successful applicant will receive a free copy of the book to be reviewed,
and the book will be hers to keep after the review process is completed. She
will write a review no longer than 350 words following the Guidelines sent
with the book, and submit her review by May 1. When responding, please
indicate why you feel that you are the right person to write this review. I
will also need your home address and phone number.

Many thanks for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy
LactNet. It is a wonderful way to learn and keep in touch.

Nicole Bernshaw, IBCLC
Book Review Editor
Journal of Human Lactation
please use this e-mail address:      [log in to unmask]
(801) 969-7391 after 7 pm mountain time