I am looking for information regarding nipple surgery to correct inverted

I am hoping to help a client find some answers before she tosses in the towel.
     History:  Primip mom who had augmentation surgery in 1991
                   She also had surgery to correct inverted nipples in 1991
                    The surgeon states that he clipped a "band" to release the
nipple and
                     then placed a suture to hold the nipple in place. The
left side worked.
                     She had the right side repeated within 6mos. The second
                     corrected the "problem".
                     She bf her baby well in the hospital, was discharged at
                      Milk came in on day 3-4. Baby began to refuse the right
side, mom
                      thought because she was so full on that side. so
continued to bf
                      on the left side - baby seemed content, was wetting and
                       Mom decided to rent a db pump to ease the engorgement
on the
                       right side. After 3-4 sessions and not getting any
results, she
                       stopped pumping. She called on day 6 with c/o severe
                       On exam, she was sl engorged on R side, able to pump
2oz after
                        feeding baby 10min. L side severly engorged - heat,
massage and
                        pump with no results. I was able to hand express one
drop -
                        which came from the upper outer aerola.
                        Sent her home to continue to pump right side each time
she fed on
                         the left - cont with heat , massage, pump and then
cabbage leaves
                         and ice post pump.
                         Day 7 on exam engorgement improved although mom never
                         able to actually see any milk expressed.
My question: how long does she continue to pump on the right side in hopes of
getting some milk???  she realizes she can just feed one side and baby will
just fine.  The surgeon is saying to throw in the towel now probably because
is too much scar tissue from the repeat procedure. Any information would be

Thank you !!
Kelli Raibick, RN, IBCLC
Dallas,TX  (relocated from good ole VT)