This mother has lupus and is not taking any medication right now during
her pregnancy, by the time I've gotten home I don't remember if its 28
weeks or less (I believe somewhat less than 28 weeks, but more than 20,
sorry for the vagueness). She WAS being treated with prednisone and a
medication that is contraindicated during lactation, it begins with a "c"
and it sounds like cytotoxic which I guess it is....But she is off all
medication, but bec. she is spilling protein, she will probably not go
full term...She is experiencing colostrum already, and she wants to
know-can she pump the colostrum now and give to the baby at the birth,
because the doctors are basically eagerly awaiting the birth of this baby
so they can put her back on the meds, they are afraid that the lupus is
affecting her kidneys. This mom is so beautiful to think of doing this
for her baby, even though her situation is pretty horrible, I felt a real
high at her wanting to do this. Maybe she will surprise everyone and
everything will be OK once she delivers, but when she had her first baby,
who is about 2 now, she broke out in a fever and red patches when she
went into labor.
Any ideas on this? thanks for your input.

Pearl Shifer, IBCLC

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