More information on the document "Bright Futures in Practice: Oral
Health" can be found at their website: <>.  The
entire document is available for $12.50 from the National Maternal and
Child Health Clearinghouse.  You can get ordering information at the
bright futures website.  The document was created by a U.S. national

Per the table, it may be that the number references a table within the
cited work.  However, Casamassimo is listed as principal author twice in
the references -- it is unclear which of his articles is referenced for
the table.  It may be the second (p. 189 of JADA article).  You may want
to look at that first before buying the Bright Futures document.

In reading this article, IMHO, the authors are coming from a
bottle-feeding paradigm and contradict themselves concerning
fluoridation.  Their citation for a cause of early childhood caries as
"at will breast-feeding" is a single reference entitled "Inappropriate
infant bottle feeding."  Obviously, they have not read the article by
Miriam Labbok et al on reduction on dental caries with breastfeeding,
and other articles.  Sounds like letters to the editor of JADA would be
very appropriate, given ADA's strong support of breastfeeding (It would
also be good to look at ADA's position statement on oral health and
nutrition -- JADA 1996;96:184-189).  It's amazing this got through their
editorial review process!

--Doraine Bailey
Breastfeeding Busybody

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