    This is my first foray into the discussion although I have been
listening and learning for several weeks now.  Therefore I will start by
saying that I am a BSN RN IBCLC at Arkansas Children's Hospital.  My
primary patient/client source is in a level 3 NICU.  I am not a mother
nor have I ever breastfed although I plan to do both someday.......
    This discussion sounds familiar with a little different twist.  As
many nurses will note there has been a similar discussion concerning
RN's (Diploma, AD,BSN,etc.) for many years.  My personal opinion is that
the more you come to the table with the more likely you are to get the
job in this time of downsizing and cutbacks in the work place.  The
employer will get more for their money if you are qualified to do more
than LCing.  I know that I am called on to make assessments concerning
neonates and mothers that had I not been a nurse with NICU experience
would have been difficult without assistance.  That is not to say I
could not have learned them, it just put me ahead of the game.  On the
other hand I am not a mother and do not have personal experience to draw
on.  This concerned me for a time until it dawned on me that several of
our leaders in this field had never breastfed either.  Thanks for
allowing me to share.
Janet Bryant RN, IBCLC