I thought some Lactnetters might be interested in this request from Norma
Jane Bumgarner, author of "Mothering Your Nursing Toddler," which appeared
on page 24 of the "New Beginnings" La Leche League breastfeeding journal
that arrived in today's mail (January-February 1998 issue) (Posted to
Lactnet with permission of Norma Jane Bumgarner):

        Toddlers haven't changed since MOTHERING YOUR NURSING TODDLER
        first appeared in 1980 but the world around them has.  So it's time to
        update the book.  I am eager to learn from readers what you think needs
        changing and what needs to stay the same.
           Norma Jane Bumgarner
           P.O. Box 722036
           Norman, Oklahoma 73070 USA
           Fax: 405-329-7915
           Email: [log in to unmask]
           Website: www.telepath.com/wordwrks/mynt

Anne Altshuler in Madison, WI
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]