I think this is an excellent idea.  ie. to have PCs accompany the hospital
LC in the hospital.   And, the only drawback I can see is personality
conflicts.  If the PC, English or Spanish, goes with the idea of learning
about BF and getting to know the moms and newborns, and stays within her
'boundaries' which may need to be defined by both the LCs at hospital and
the PC supervisor at WIC, this could indeed be the best of all worlds.
Our biggest problem is catching the moms before they get too sore, or make
assumptions about their inability to produce enough milk, etc, etc.   So
finding out when they have their baby, meeting them for the first time or
the second, and having a handle on what their birth experience was like,
will really give us a "leg up" (to quote an equine type).   The followup is
crucial, but it seems to me that the mom will be more likely to call the PC
since she has shared part of the hospital experience.
        Incidently, on the simple, initial BF assessment form our nutritionists
use, there is a question--how does the mother feel about her birth
experience.  This is one of the best ways of 'connecting' to the mom.  Our
birth stories are an integral part of the baby, the BF experience, and our
lives.  Giving the mom a chance to share this is very important.  Tho
sometimes it eats into our clinic time, I shorten the other questions and
make a note to ask these at the F/U call, which I may do sooner that usual.
        Michelle Scott, RD,IBCLC  at  WIC where progress is made in baby steps,
but big differences are accumulating!!