I just received a call from an mom that is nursing a 3 1/2 year old boy.
Yesterday, she noticed pain in one breast which felt somwhat like a spasm.
It throbbed while she was nursing and for a while after that. She even
notice pain when she took her bra off to put her pajamas on. She said it
seemed like the weight of her breast hanging hurt. She didn't let her son
nurse on the affected breast the rest of the night, but he insisted this
morning. She decided to let hime try, but she told him to nurse easily.
When he nursed, she had some pain again, and when he unlatched, she noticed
blood on his cheek. She looked down and noticed there was a drop of blood
coming from her nipple. Her breastcontinues to hurt, and she s not letting
her son nurse on that side right now.

She went to her OB/GYN today, and he felt nothing suspicous. He did order a
mammogram for her to check everything out. The mom says that the apin is
localized in about the 6 o'clock position right on the areola.

Any ideas. I told her that I had not seen such a thing, but I would check
if any of you had. She used to be a LLL Leader and is very dedicated to
nursing her son, but is concerned about her breast.

Tamara Elliott in Round Rock, TX
Mother to Michael 7-19-94 and wife to Billy
[log in to unmask]  (that is a "one" after elliott)