<< I do not like seeing TV programs intigrate 'fad' parenting
techniques into their shows, but to take it to the extreme of an entire
show concentrating on this issue? It worries me.>>

Really? Not me. The episode will be commercial-free.  Presumably a half
hour straight of baby crying. I think it will give mothers who might be
thinking about Ferberizing a taste of what they will have to endure.
Think of what a different effect it would have if it were interrupted
every ten minutes with a "break"...or if it were just mentioned lightly
in passing. I am excited to see the outcome. I am hoping, based on the
teaser (Dad asking Mom what her gut is telling her to do and she
answering that her gut says to go in there) that they will go get her.

And to the poster who successfully Ferberized in a few short minutes, I
don't think that is what we are talking about here. It is my
understanding that the issue many have with Ferberizing is not the act of
putting your baby down to fall asleep on his/her own, but that of letting
a tiny child cry and cry and being totally ignored by Mom and Dad. I have
this baby who will cry and cry in my arms. It did not immediately occur
to me that possibly he just wanted his space. One day, out of sheer
exhaustion, I laid him down on our bed for a short break. *Immediately*
upon putting him down, he stopped crying, turned his head away, and went
to sleep! He does not sleep well in-arms and I *try* to respect that (it
is so instictual to want to hold him while he sleeps....). The point is
that every baby deserves to have his needs responded to...whatever those
needs are.  Ferber does not respect a baby's needs, in my opinion.

I am already presuming the show's ending will be somehow disappointing (I
envision Paul and Jamie finally walking in to get Mabel only to have her
finally  fall fast asleep before they can pick her up....so they are
"successful" after all).

Nicki Clark
Troy, Michigan