Hello all,

On the local news today there was a section about the new AAP guidelines.
 At the end they said that N.O.W. had issued a statement saying that
following the new guidelines would be very difficult for working women
(bf 8-12 times a day for at least a year was the sticking point
apparently - more misinterpretation).  I went to the NOW web site and
this statement was not listed - but the list did not appear to have be
updated since the middle of November.  Anyways, I e-mailed them asking
for clarification on this point and stating my concerns about such a
statement if it were indeed true.  I also signed up to get their new
press release/statements sent directly to me.  I will let you know if I
get a response.  Is there anyone out there with ties to the organization
who may have any information about this supposed press release?
Apparently this thread about working women is being picked up in other
places, but this is the first time I have heard it attributed to NOW.

Sharon Knorr
Lactation Consultant Services
Rochester, New York
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