GOOD GRIEF!!!  Since I was the one who posted the bit about S-I-N to
begin with, I guess I may as well add my own nickel's worth.  I am new to
this list, and I certainly have no desire to offend anyone's sensibilities.
 As Jon Berry-Parks observed, it was meant tongue-in-cheek, and I thought the
Swiftian allusion in my initial post would have covered that.

     Of course I would never use the term with mothers, or anywhere else, for
that matter, outside a small circle of friends.  I rountinely work with
mothers who use the stuff, and, for that matter, I used it with my own
adoptee.  I even hesitate to use the less laden term ABM because I do believe
it was generated to yank someone's chain, and it is not the mom's chain I
want to be yanking.

But, now that we are on the subject, the fact is that the term came to me
when I was observing a so-called breastfeeding support group in a hospital
meeting room that was festooned with gigantic bottles, free samples,
give-away coupons, and even a couple of S****** clocks ("time for
S******!!!").  I will don the hair shirt the day these companies stop killing
babies and otherwise undermining breastfeeding with their cynical, profit
driven marketing strategies.  Until then, as far as I am concerned, they have
set themselves up for every unflattering, rude thing we can think of to say
about them and their ABM/AIM/SIN/formula/baby junk food.  Within a small
circle of friends, that is.
Sharon Watkins