Those who think that lc's are making big bucks by giving pumps, etc, here's
the facts.  Yes, LC's are trying to keep programs alive.  Do you want it to
be like others have stated the case is with many hospitals, no pumps, no help
etc?  I hear on occasion here an undertone of conflict between hospital LC's
and private LC's.  the reality is that most hospitals are probably at least
80% funded by capitated or per diem HMO or PPO third-party payers.  That
means the hospital gets the same amount no matter what the patient is
charged.  They are under incentive to give LESS patient care, less supplies,
etc.  Most LC's are probably either unaware of this themselves or are
deliberately going against the unwritten logic of this system.  That is:  the
hospital is better off with NO LC's and NO equipment in a financial sense and
let the moms sink or swim and only the REALLY committed ones keep going.  So,
as a manager of a Lactation Service, I am committed to doing whatever it
takes to keep helping moms.  If I get a piece of the pie to keep the service
going (including a free Warm-Line which does about 100-200 calls per week),
then I will do it.  And believe me, there are not grants being handed out to
most hospitals.  And unless your hospital is university associated, you have
less of a chance.  It''s great to hear so many LC's in private practice out
there.  But I know for a fact you have to be able to eat some other way.  Is
anyone out there really supporting themselves and their families doing
consulting without renting or selling pumps?  I don't think so.  Private
practice and hospital practice LC's are the same.  If there's a conflict of
interest in accepting or soliciting money for what you do, then we are all
guilty of being MONEY HUNGRY.  I'd like to hear from other hospital LC's on
this matter.  We need to stop flaming each other on our mileu of practice. If
someone chooses to devote themself to Lactation Support, it has to be a
mission.  If things go wrong, a client reports to someone else that "she was
done wrong" by an LC, check it out for yourself before you automatically
flame the poor LC trying to do her best.  Yes, there are ignorant and or
inexperienced LC's too, but ALL of us have made mistakes.  Let's try not to
(in paraphrase of Dr. Jack) sacrifice each other on the altar of ignorance of
walking a mile in the other person's shoes!

Jane Kershaw