I apologize ahead of time if I have posted incorrectly, as this is my first
time responding to Lactnet.  I have enjoyed the lively discussion, but was
disturbed by a posting I read today and wanted to clarify the ideas that were
represented.  First in response to the posting on anorexia and bulimia; it is
important to note that these are NOT food addictions, they are eating
disorders.  Obviously an anorexic is not addicted to food, because he/she
avoids it persistantly.  They are disorders more closely related to problems
with obsession and compulsion, poor body image, and anxiety.  Most often it
is an issue of the affected person exercising control in their lives by means
of their eating behavior.  Twelve step programs are not effective in treating
these disorders very often, so this is not the best course of action.  It is
important for the anorexic or bulimic to meet with a therapist to begin
behavior modification and for emotional issues as well.  This is usually
achieved by someone else confronting the affected person.
     Also, about those septuplets....i have located an email address for
anyone interested.  It is [log in to unmask]
Jacqueline Browning
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