Dear successful l997 IBCLC's

Just a friendly reminder that passing the exam does not make an expert.

I have been a midwife since l962 and passed exam in l995.  Since passing
the exam I have been considered an expert and have received numerous

I have learned more since passing the exam and continue to learn as I read
the lactnet and listen to others!!

I hope you learning continues and you do not become like some IBCLCS  ie.
drunk with perceived power and bloated with such superior knowledge that
you stop listening to others and intolerant of people who have been
incorrectly taught in the past.


Recently I have been singing the praises of the Melbourne Age with good
articles about breastfeeding.

Alas on Saturday lst November in full blown colour  A3 size image  of a dad
feeding a baby with, (guess what) a bottle.

There has been much talk of books recently written by authors about the
role of fatherhood.  (All interviewed on Sunday 2nd on  ABC radio station
and again on Monday morning 3rd.

One by Australia' Lesley Barclay and a West Australian lady.  Both of these
women  sounded good and gave evidence based discussion.  However the bottle
raised its head and was not countered by the (usually good) interviewer.

But another has been written by a man who lamented the fact that blokes
could no longer bottle feed their infants because later and later weaning
had come in!

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