Re      : Haldol (haloperidol)

The Haldol preparation is the decanoate salt which is the repository form,
and slowly releases Haldol from the muscle tissue over a period of about 1
month.  Doses are calculated from the daily intake and then multiplied
accordingly, so that the individual gets about a months worth of Haldol in
one injection.

Certainly the concentration of Haldol in milk is small,  but its half-life
is exceedingly long. If this were a weak premature infant, I would suggest
the risks are excessive.  If this were a robust 12 month old infant, I
wouldn't worry so much.

The major problem is the published reports suggesting that strong
neuroleptics (thorazine,etc)  may significantly increase the risk of SIDS.


Tom Hale, Ph.D.