Okay, friends,
You are going to be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to get into
Pedschat!  Dr. Edlavitch has added a link to his webpage that takes you
straight to the chatroom.  That's right - nothing to download, no fancy steps
to take, no holding your head in a certain position to make sure the mouse
clicks in the right place....

Now try this:

Link to the instant chat, give your name and email address and you're there.

Take a minute to go there now, just to be sure you know how to do it.

Then join us on Monday, November 10, for a discussion with Kay Hoover about

If you have any difficulty with these directions, email me privately.

You are not going to believe how valuable this forum is.  In combination with
Lactnet, I believe we are seriously improving the quality of lactation

Jeanne Fisher
Austin, TX