Hello, Lactnuts!

Happened to catch the last few minutes of the Today Show interview with the
editor (or whoever) of Redbook explaining their decision to use the cover
that they did.  They also showed the cover several times.  It's beautiful!
And I agree, I've seen more exposed breast on Cosmo, etc.  Anyway, they made
several positive comments about bf as well, and she actually sort of
APOLOGETICALLY explained that they "had" to issue the nonbf cover to their
subscribers.  Probably after-the-fact excuse, but at least she made it clear
she felt the newstand cover was the preferred one.

Now for my question:  the woman who had the myelogram a couple of weeks ago
ended up pumping & dumping for 4 hours, because Dr. Hale said, "If you want
to be ABSOLUTELY safe...." and her pediatrician bit on that.  Sigh.  It
worked out OK, tho, & she was very impressed with the efficiency of a
"proper" pump, having previously blamed herself for lack of success with one
of the "G---R" pumps.

Now, she has to have a partial discectomy, and although her anesthesiologist
AND her neurosurgeon say the drugs they plan to use are fine w/breastfeeding,
her ped is AGAIN telling her to pump & dump for 8-10 hours "just to be sure".
 Apparently the 8-10 hour number is the one he always uses.  Mom has figured
out he doesn't really know anything about drugs & breastmilk, just is CYA on
his part.  BUT she does trust our collective expertise, and has asked me just
to "run these by" before her surgery next week.  Most of these I recognize,
but there are 2 I don't, & they're not in Hale or Briggs.

Zofran (don't know generic, not in books)--used during her pg for nausea?
Fentanyl (I know this is OK, anesthetic agent used w/C-sections & epi's)
Versed (ditto)
Fluorine (not sure on this one)
Sodium Pentathol OR Deprovan (both used as pre-anesthetics, both OK I know,
but she wants to know which causes less nausea--has gotten terribly sick from
anesthesia in the past)
Succinylcholine (not in books, I believe it's a neuromuscular relaxant)

So.  If any of you can fill in the holes for me, we'd appreciate it.   She's
pretty much decided to nurse (baby is 7 mo old) as soon as she feels up to
it, & not worry about pumping.  Didn't have any uncomfortable fullness up to
6 hours during myelogram, so figures she won't need to pump for comfort, &
hubby can get baby to her as soon as she's in recovery.

TIA for your help!

Carol in St. Louis (where the leaves rival the Northeast this year!)