Hi all,

Just got a call from our fledgling LC (we now have evening LC coverage 2
nites/week--yay!) who got a call from a mom having an IVP (intravenous
pyelogram--picture of kidneys, etc.) in the morning.  She had already called
& gotten the go-ahead to bf with the dye they're using.  But tonite she's
having to use Magnesium Citrate as a purgative, to clear out the bowel in
order to visualize the kidneys.  Neither Hale nor Briggs mentions Mag
Citrate.  Is it the same as Mag Sulfate, & thus safe for bf?  My gut says
it's OK (pun intended), that it works mainly in the bowel & isn't really
absorbed systemically, but our senior lactation person (not an IBCLC) says we
can't encourage her to bf unless we have the facts in place.

Dr. Hale, are you on tonite????

TIA,  Carol