In a message dated 97-10-24 11:23:10 EDT, you write:

>Her SIL can understand and speak english but can only read
>Thai.  Of course a formula rep overheard this request and was more than
>to supply her with some of their "rainbow of languages" information.

Denise and Netters,
Have any of you had the wonderful experience to read, laugh, and cry over
Ross Labs new "BEST" (Breastfeeding, Education, Support, and Training"
materials?????  The big black canvas carrying bag contains 1) Breastfeeding:
The Preferred Way to Feed Your Baby" flip chart that is 21" by 17".  2)
Health Care Professional's Annotated Edition of "Guide for the Breastfeeding
Mother" by Edie Armstrong, BSN, IBCLC and Maureen Fickel, RN, IBCLC. (which
includes; Infant Weight Loss Chart, Screening Form for the Early Follow-Up of
BF Infants, Daily Log of BF, Wet Diapers, and Stools,  Body Language of the
Baby at the Breast, etc. etc.  3) In Support of Breastfeeding: Educational
Materials for Parents.  Master Sheets to Copy.  It contains-First Visit
Program in English and Spanish.  How to BF your Baby in a Rainbow of
Languages.  Bonnie, this is what the rep was talking about.  We have now BF
info in 17 languages-Arabic, Greek, Hmong, Laotian, Vietnamese, Cambodian,
Haitian-Creole, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Spanish, German,
Hindi, Korean, and Thai.  A few quotes for you to see what has been written
from the rainbow info----"Breast milk is the only food you baby needs in the
first 4 to 6 months of life." with next page stating "When yu baby is between
4 and 6 months old, your health care professional may tell you to start
feeding her infant cereal and strained fruit."  What happened to BF 6 months
up to 1yr and past??  And what happened to starting solids 6 months plus???
 Then under "Look for these signs that your baby is getting enough breast
milk"  They have "Wets an increasing number of diapers the first week-at
least three on days 2 and 3, and more after that". and "Passes yellow, seedy,
runny stools starting on day 3 or 4". No mention of numbers to watch for.  I
 love this one.  Under breast soreness it is written "Let your breasts dry in
the air after nursing".  I have this vision of breasts flying around in the
air or hanging up to dry like the laundry.  Another good one under soreness
is "The sorenes may be caused by a plugged milk duct or by an irritation of
the nipple or the tissue around it.  If so, the nipple skin will be bright
pink or red and may burn.  If the soreness or redness lasts for 3 days or
more, or if you also have a fever or chills or body aches, you may have an
infection called mastitis.  Call your health care professional right  away."
  Does that all make sense to anyone????  Then at the end it states "Do not
drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes during the time you are breasttfeeding".
 How many BF mothers are left now???   The last piece of materials is a
3-ring binder "In Support of Breastfeeding:  Useful Material for You and Your
Patients".  40 color slides, Paula Meier's "Breastfeeding Your Premature
Baby", BF:  "A Guide to Breast Pumps", and several tear-off sheets.  Their
football hold that they demo throughout is a little different too.  There is
a limited number of these "cutsie" things so quick talk to your local Ross
rep to get on the his list to receive one, if you so desire.  I think I need
to go run now to relax and meditate on all this stuff.

Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL-  getting cold, but no snow and can still run